threadpool-monitor-center 介绍 动态线程池监控平台 软件架构 监控平台架构图如下所示: 安装教程 1.部署一个用于存储线程池数据的redis服务。 2.部署一个用于动态管理线程池配置的nacos服务。 3.修改业务服务的配置,加入下边案例模版1-1类型配置。 4.修改监控平台的配置,加入下边案例模版1-2类型配置。 5.启动业务...
thread_first首先获得同步对象的锁,当执行到 Monitor.Wait(monster);时,thread_first线程释放自己对同步对象的锁,流放自己到等待队列,直到自己再次获得锁,否则一直阻塞。 而thread_second线程一开始就竞争同步锁所以处于就绪队列中,这时候thread_second直接从就绪队列出来获得了monster对象锁,开始执行到Monitor.PulseAll(mon...
ThreadPoolMonitor Class Microsoft Learn Challenge Nov 23, 2024 – Jan 10, 2025 立即注册 消除警报 Learn 登录 RegistryExtension RegistryMode RegistryProperty RegistryValueChangedArgs<T>。ChangeType RegistryValueChangedArgs<T> ReliableProperty RestServiceUtil...
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(Auto), i);//线程池指定线程执行Auto方法 } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } lock (locker) { while (runningThreads > 0) { Monitor.Wait(locker); } } Console.WriteLine("结束了"); ...
LOCK是一个关键字。开始处调用Monitor.Enter,而在块的结尾处调用 Monitor.Exit。lock就是Monitor.Enter和Monitor.Exit的包装。 如果 Interrupt 中断正在等待输入 lock 语句的线程,将引发 ThreadInterruptedException。 工作过程:锁起来的代码视为临界区,其实是互斥锁锁起来的。,让多线程访问临界区代码时,必须顺序访问。他...
@dhoard For example, I want to monitor the thread pool of 'java. util. concurrent. ThreadPoolExecutor' created manually in the java application, obtain the corePoolSize, largestPoolSize, maximumPoolSize of the thread pool, as well as the thread execution time, etc dhoard added the type: ...
Create a new folder named C:\InetPub\wwwroot\AspNetThreadPoolMonitor\. Use Internet Services Manager to mark this folder as an application and to create a virtual directory. Create the following three files in the folder: Global.asax, Sleep.aspx, and StartWebApp.aspx. Global.asax code Copy ...
1.设计ThreadPool类: public interface ThreadPool { //提交任务到线程池 void execute(Runnable runnable); //关闭线程池 void shutdown(); //获取线程池的初始化大小 int getInitSize(); //获取线程池最大的线程数 int getMaxSize(); //获取线程池的核心线程数量 ...
(MonitorThreadPoolEnabled) { ASPNETThreadInfo t = GetThreadInfo(); ShowPerfCounters(t); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); } } protected void Application_End(Object sender, EventArgs e) { MonitorThreadPoolEnabled = false; } public struct ASPNETThreadInfo { public int MaxWorkerThreads; public ...