<!DOCTYPE html> thread_pool_idle_timeout 是否支持命令行:是 是否支持配置文件:是 是否支持动态修改:是 参数范围:Global 参数类型:Numeric 默认值:60 (秒) 允许值:1~4294967295 该参数表示工作线程进入空闲等待状态后,空闲线程等待的时间。等待该配置值的时间后
thread_pool_idle_timeout:默认值60秒,空闲线程在空闲多长时间之后退出。 thread_pool_high_prio_tickets:默认值 4294967295。控制高优先级队列策略, 给每个新的连接授予的tickets大小,如果该值设置为0,表示禁止进入高优先级队列。 thread_pool_high_prio_mode:取值范围 transactions, statements, none,默认值 transacti...
取值0~4294967295,当开启了优先队列模式后(thread_pool_high_prio_mode=transactions),每个连接最多允许thread_pool_high_prio_tickets次被放到优先队列中,之后放到普通队列中,默认为4294967295 thread_pool_idle_timeout worker线程最大空闲时间,单位为秒,超过限制后会退出,默认60 thread_pool_max_threads threadpool中...
| thread_pool_high_prio_mode | transactions | | thread_pool_high_prio_tickets | 4294967295 | | thread_pool_idle_timeout | 60 | | thread_pool_max_threads | 100000 | | thread_pool_oversubscribe | 40 | | thread_pool_size | 12 | | thread_pool_stall_limit | 500 | | thread_stack |...
pool-of-threads || thread_pool_high_prio_mode | transactions || thread_pool_high_prio_tickets | 4294967295 || thread_pool_idle_timeout | 60 || thread_pool_max_threads | 100000 || thread_pool_oversubscribe | 40 || thread_pool_size | 12 || thread_pool_stall_limit | 500 || thread_...
The most time is consumed by a singleton. Could the change of request-timeout-seconds property help in this case? It should prevent the timeout. /I would recommend using jstack or visualvm for this task. / I'm not familiar with any of this tool unfortunately. I looked through short how...
threadpool_idle_timeout Idle time before a thread is destroyed, in seconds. threadpool_long_conn_time If the login time exceeds the value of this parameter, the login information is printed in logs. threadpool_max_threads Maximum number of threads that can be created in a thread pool. ...
loose_thread_pool_idle_timeout 释放线程池空闲线程的时间阈值,超过此时间,没有服务任何请求的空闲线程将被释放。 取值:0~31536000。 默认值:60。 单位:秒。 说明 仅PolarDB MySQL版5.6和5.7版本支持该参数。 loose_thread_pool_oversubscribe 每个线程组中允许的活跃线程的数量。
windows platform. I tried to put -1 for idle-thread-timeout-seconds property of the admin-thread-pool in the Glassfish config file, but it gave no effect. I tried it with different glassfish and jdk versions in different combinations (GF v3.2.1, v3.1.2.2, jdk 1.7, 1.6) it works for...
构建新的线程,可以通过 setKeepAliveTime来动态设置时间,如果设置Long.MAX_VALUE那么idle状态的 线程将会永远不会关闭。默认keepAliveTime不作用于corePoolSize大小的线程。可以通过设置 allowCoreThreadTimeOut来让keepAliveTime也作用于核心线程。 getLargestPoolSize() ...