位于对象等待池中的阻塞状态(Blocked in object’s wait pool): 当线程处于运行状态时,如果执行了某个对象的 wait()方法,Java 虚拟机就会把 线程放到这个对象的等待池中,这涉及到“线程通信”的内容。 位于对象锁池中的阻塞状态(Blocked in object’s lock pool): 当线程处于运行状态时,试图获得某个对象的同步...
5. At the command prompt type 'psexec -s [jdk path]\jstack.exe XXXX >> thread_dump_ddmmyy.log' (where XXXX is your PID and ddmmyy is the current date to append to the name of the log file) then hit enter. Run this command every 5-10 seconds, 5 times You can also add the ful...
jstack -F <pid>puts the target Java process in a "trace stop" (T) state. Threads in the (T) state will receive the signal for a thread dump; however, output will be delayed until the process continues.
一、thread dump信息获取 1、发送信号 * In Unix, use "kill -3 <pid>" where pid is the Process ID of the JVM.(kill 信号列表) * In Windows, press CTRL+BREAK on the window where the JVM is running. 2、通过命令导出文本文件 jps -l 找出服务器上运行的Java进程 jstack -l pid 直接显示在...
Performing a Thread Dump in Linux To perform a thread dump in Linux: Access the computer on whichSterling B2B Integratoris installed. Change your working directory toinstall_dirdirectory. In the command line, enterkill -QUITnoapp.pid child.pid. ...
# thread dump jattach 12345 threaddump /tmp/log/example.hprof 获取相关PID PS命令 这里只介绍在Linux环境下如何获取PID。在Linux环境下,一般要查询某个进程的PID会用类类似如下的命令: ps -ef | grep java | grep example 如果是想要获取系统中正在运行的Spring Batch应用的进程就可以执行如下命令: ...
Similarly, to collect the heap dump, run: jcmd <PID of Java Process> GC.heap_dump /home/heapdump Note: The files under /home are only persistent by default. Consider collecting the dumps under /home or in the mounted location for External Storage (if using BYOS...
Thread Dump 性能分析方法: 1,Solaris OS -’\’ (Control-Backslash) kill -QUIT 2, Linux Kill -3 PID PID通过下面方法获取 ps -efHl | grep 'java' Kill -3 输出到 Catalina.out 中 3,Windows 直接对MSDOS窗口的程序按Ctrl-break 如何分析Java虚拟机死锁 ...
Performing a Thread Dump in Linux To perform a thread dump in Linux: Access the computer on whichSterling B2B Integratoris installed. Change your working directory toinstall_dirdirectory. In the command line, enterkill -QUITnoapp.pid child.pid. ...
> /opt/tmp/threadDump.txtAs per the example thread dump of the process would be generated in /opt/tmp/threadDump.txt file.eg.9. Linux查看java进程耗CPU比较高的问题,常用命令和步骤:1)用 top 看看是否 java 进程占用 CPU 高,如果是 ,执行命令 top -p pid -H (记得替换 pid)2)抓 dump ...