关于其他专业转染方案(包括关于特定细胞类型的 PLUS™ 试剂和抗生素使用建议,以及基于载体的 RNAi 的实验方案),请访问 www.lifetechnologies.com/transfection 或联系技术服务部。 Lipofectamine® LTX 试剂在基于载体的 RNAi 实验中表现良好。对于 siRNA 和...
TransfectionsiRNADetachmentWe have established an electroporation protocol for transfection of premature adherent human THP-1 macrophages using Lonza Nucleofector technology. For efficient electroporation, detachment of adherent cells is necessary. We tested the Nunc UpCell product line of Thermo Fisher ...
of macrophage following HY-SDT with or without ABCA1 knockdown via ABCA1 siRNA. We found ABCA1 siRNA #2 decreased the protein level of ABCA1 (Supplementary Figure S6a). Moreover, the lipid efflux promoted following HY-SDT was reversed by ABCA1 siRNA (Figure 6e). These results suggest that...
Three siRNAs targeting mouse DUSP1 (Table 3) were transfected into RAW264.7 cells using Lipofectamine™ RNAi MAX Reagent (Invitrogen, USA) according to the manufacturer's protocol to screen for the best siRNA-DUSP1. In vivo experiments were performed using Advanced Transfection Reagent (ZETA, ...
Leishmania amazonensis is a protozoan that primarily causes cutaneous leishmaniasis in humans. The parasite relies on the amino acid arginine to survive within macrophages and establish infection, since it is a precursor for producing polyamines. On the
The siRNAknockdowns were per- formed using X-tremeGENE siRNA Transfection Reagent (Roche) according to the manufacturer's protocol. Briefly, 1 × 106 cells wereseeded in 35-mm Petri dishes to obtain approximately 80–90% confluence. Two hundred microlitres of a mixture containing siRNA ...
Transfection. The knockdown of ATG5 or TFEB in macrophage was obtained by siRNAs. An irrelevant 21-nucleotide siRNA was used as a negative control (GenePharma, Shanghai, China). The target sequences were as follows: ATG5- sh#1: 5′-CCAUCAAUCGGAAACUCAUTT-3′, ATG5-sh#2: 5′-GCAGUGGCUG...