This invention relates to apparatus'for fighting forest fires and consists of a truck, the chassis of which is provided with two front wheels and eight rear driving wheels, this chassis having mounted thereon a thousand gallon water tank and a rearwardly extending floor on which are mounted.....
Forty thousand-gallon steel tank moved on flat cars : Public Works , July 8, 1922, P. 29doi:10.1016/S0016-0032(22)90098-5Journal of the Franklin Institute
Living Art has been with me from the start, set up my new planted tank and have provided for its every need. These guys are top notch! Richard Burns Thank you, Ryan! The tank is by far the best it’s ever looked and Howard and myself are very grateful to have your services. ...
The flotation consists of nine 55-gallon drums (purchased from Urban Ore for $20/each). That provides an ample 4,000 pounds of displacement for the topside structure — much more than is necessary. The dual forces of gravity pushing the platform down on the barrels, and buoyancy of th...
The flotation consists of nine 55-gallon drums (purchased from Urban Ore for $20/each). That provides an ample 4,000 pounds of displacement for the topside structure — much more than is necessary. The dual forces of gravity pushing the platform down on the barrels, and buoyancy of th...