1968. A ten-year-old boy picks up a ‘Hobby Buch’ in his local library, expecting a ‘Boys Own’ treat of exciting snippets of information about rocketry, technology, geography, plants and animals, as well as games, puzzles and sundry tips to while away an afternoon on a rainy day in...
It’s unbelievable to me that 50 years have passed, and that Bonnie and Mitch are still missing. I’m so fervently hoping that the NY TIMES article helps jog a memory, or stir a conscience, or change the status quoin some way to resolve this. In the meanwhile, I still keep you all...
Oh gosh, all these self exorcism after a conversation with someone whom I asked to be shared a secret with. When a secret is shared enough of times, it no longer stays as something that locks us in. Of course, it’s never an end state as new secrets develop along the course of life...
Born in 1892 in Aspen, Colorado, Ross worked out west as a reporter while still a teenager. When the U.S. entered World War I, Ross enlisted. He was sent to southern France, where he quickly deserted from his Army regiment and made his way to Paris, carrying his portable Corona typewr...
There’s an amazing artist collective that I always patronize and I marvel at the variety of interests that coexist in the space. The kids and I were walking off a delicious lunch from Rapture on the mall when we turned down a brick street covered in chalk, tributes scrawled to a young ...
We met via the internet and a slightly snarky response to a rather lame attempt to appear to have wisdom. From the beginning, R was open about her illness, although not to the extent of how much it still had a grip. In the early days I was led to believe that she was further ...
To be in this industry where I am considered “essential.” I consider myself blessed that while I had a headache this morning, I actually have a job to head to in a few hours, despite the physical pounding on my brain. I am thankful that there will be meals on the table next week...
but I grieved the way she had to navigate her childhood. I have been insulated in my life from what those of other cultures go through in my country, and in their home country. My friend’s family came here to give them a better life from violence and poverty. Would I have done the...
Upon boarding the plane, I told the first flight attendant I saw that I was deaf and read lips. When a woman asked to sit in my row, I could tell she was talking to me, so I gave her my short spiel. She was sweet; she showed me some adorable photos of a grandchild or great-...
I prefer to have deep relationships with people, so I have to limit how many of them I have as I devote myself to those individuals. Still, it takes a special person to tolerate me as I constantly process multiple thoughts, making it seem like I’m often in the clouds. I have ...