在淘宝,您不仅能发现【4周达】Joe Segal's Book Of Thoughts On Compassion And Kindness [9781300028703]的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于【4周达】Joe Segal's Book Of Thoughts On Compassion
Self-compassion is made up of mindfulness, the ability to manage thoughts and emotions without being carried away or repressing them, common humanity, or empathy with the suffering of others, and self-kindness, a recognition of your own suffering and a commitment to solving the problem. 选项: ...
Ballard's life was one of integrity and grace, of kindness and compassion. The greatest honor his colleagues can give to his memory is to emulate that integrity, grace, kindness and compassion in their lives and in their work. Another colleague says that Ballard certainly had more than his ...
(131) loving-kindness (60) mindfulness (282) morality (84) patience (63) peace (88) perception (102) practice (108) precepts (178) Pure Land (359) purity (66) rebirth (198) repentance (117) sincerity (77) skilful means (80) suffering (149) three poisons (66) Truth (183) ...
And we value the constellation of behaviors that express our mutual regard for one another: honesty, fairness, humility, kindness, courtesy, and compassion. 我们的个人主义始终和一套共有的价值观黏在一起,这种黏合剂每个健康的社会都会需要。我们重视家族规则和家族默契的代与代之间的责任。我们珍视社区,...
And we value the constellation of behaviors that express our mutual regard for one another:honesty, fairness, humility, kindness, courtesy, andcompassion. 如果我们美国人个个都是利己主义,如果我们本能地看不惯往日的宗族忠贞,传统,风俗和社会等级制度,想当然地认为这就是我们的本性,那就错了。我们的利己...
Healing, kindness, sharing with those in need, and absolute nonviolence were the entirety of his message. Love each other. And when you do that, you, just like me (Jesus speaking here), are a child of the Spirit, a true child of your Creator. To make this concrete, he continually inv...
or to gloat…maybe we could all be slow to speak and quick to listen. We might learn something we didn’t know. We might see a perspective that we hadn’t before. It may not change our minds but it might just soften our hearts and open us up to greater kindness and compassion. ...
When you surround yourself with positive people, you are more likely to adopt theirhelpfulhabits and outlook on life, which can help you become more optimistic, creative, and resilient. Celebrating life brings you closer to others. Celebration and kindness provide an opportunity to connect with fri...
valuesarerewarded,whichiswhythevaluesofequalopportunityand nondiscriminationcomplementratherthanimpingeonourliberty. 这些价值观扎根于一种基础的乐观主义,即在自由意志下对生活和信念的乐观, 一种经历了斗智斗勇,辛苦劳动和巨大痛苦后形成的自信,我们每个人都可以 ...