This Christmas week as we have celebrated the birth of Jesus coming to be with us, we see the evidence of the vastness of how God loves us. For a moment, reflect upon sin entering the world. It came by a woman, Eve, when she was disobedient to God. How this act broke the heart ...
Simplicity is no sin. There is no need to "show off". Honesty and the double-edged remark All this again is tied to he need for honesty rather than duplicity. If communication changes are assumed to be basically dependable and open, there is less need for duplicity, concealment, camouflage...
Anyway, it’s all super-interesting grist for the mill and led to a lively discussion.Here’sa link to the podcast. TheMastersinCounseling.orgblog, authored by Dr. Barbara LoFrisco (another therapist) is also well worth checking out. ...
23It was necessary, then, for the copies of the heavenly things to be purified with these sacrifices, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these.24For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made with human hands that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven i...
These are no amusements [ioca], no, they are not; they are sins[crimina].A human being is changed into an idol; and if it is a sin to go to idols, what do you think it is to be an idol? … Clearly you may not have altogether intended it this way, but on the whole this ...
she could no longer stand up properly and her front legs would slide and spread until she laid helplessly on the floor. She could no longer make it to the kitchen and urinated and defecated where she was. Sometimes when she relieved herself in the middle of the night or when we weren’...
Another way of describing this is to say that He redeemed us from sin – it didn’t matter how many or the manner of the sins; they were all taken upon Him through the cross. Now, the question is, what will you do with the man upon the cross. His name is Jesus, and He is ...
He had power to remove sin through his sacrifice. He had power to overcome the power of hell. He had power to overcome death. He was victorious over the tomb. 3) Great King in Splendor: The City of the Great King. “…1 Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised in the city ...
It is possible that our changed relationship to the Judge, our status as sinners, and our relationship to sin may yield a change in the nature of his judgments upon sin–or those things that once were considered to be such. A couple of analogies might prepare our minds for the argument....
Yet Jesus did not come, at that time, to establish a political kingdom. He came to change hearts and deliver us from the power of sin and death. The day will come when Christ will return in glory and will establish his earthly, physical kingdom. That is at His Second Coming. ...