Thoughts on Tao Te Ching How to Live Your Life According to theTaoThe lesson that I takefromTaoTeChingis that everything comes and goes; nothing is set in stone forever‚ and times will always change. It being said that nothing stays the same forever‚ there are patterns and cycles in...
in the tao te-ching it is written "we shape clay into a pot, but it is the emptiness inside that holds whatever we want." i never understood this expression. for what holds the emptiness? it is the physical body. and how can possibly the empty part hold anything if there is no ...
The green grow from roots. This is how life is explained. In finding the root, there is the beginning of treasure. The root is Silent. Its fate is to grow. Beyond the green is Nothingness. We understand Nothingness only in that it appe...
在Apple Music 上收听Tao Te Ching Music Zone的《Still Mind - Meditation for Daily Stress: Blissful Escape, Relaxing Tai Chi, Liquid Music, Free from Thoughts, Smart Oasis of Calm》。2017年。50 首歌曲。时长:3 小时 20 分钟
Thoughts on Tao Te Ching How to Live Your Life According to theTaoThe lesson that I takefromTaoTeChingis that everything comes and goes; nothing is set in stone forever‚ and times will always change. It being said that nothing stays the same forever‚ there are ...
The Taoist ideas that "Tao models itself after nature" and "Tao begets nature" show the yearning for an ecological society in ancient China.The idea that "Tao models itself after nature" optimizes the environment,and the idea that "Tao begets nature" saves resources and "Tao is nature" ...