Sunday’s sermon: Faith: Scattered, Seeded, Sprouting Posted on June 17, 2024 by pastorlisaj Text used – Mark 4:26-34 What a perfect time of year for this passage, right? Farmers in the fields all around us making sure they get all their crop for the year in the ground Fields th...
This sermon was built around the readings for the Third Sunday After the Epiphany in Year C of the Revised Common Lectionary. You can find those readings here: This is a link to Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde’s sermon at the...
John also witnessed the impact of the Holy Spirit, not only on the life of Peter on the Day of Pentecost but on the number of Jews (over 3000) who came to an understanding that Jesus was the Messiah they longed for. Suddenly, there was a great need for a Pastor. What would that ...
Consider this in preparation for Pentecost. 05102015 Christ Church Bluefield losamp Sermon: The Loneliest Night of the Year It came to me recently that Christians miss the real meaning of Easter for two reasons: 1) we know that it happened and that we will celebrate it, and 2) we don’t...
Tonight, while preparing for a sermon on Mark 10:17-31 from theRevised Common Lectionary Year B / Proper 23 (28) / Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost, I found myself curious to find all of the place in Mark’s Gospel where money is discussed. ...
“There’s not enough time” school of thought is the “Being fully present to the time you have” philosophy. I have a few thoughts to share—words to ponder, as it were, as you go about your Pentecost Sunday (or whatever day you actually read this) with hands open wide for all ...
Peter points to that very day he was preaching as a moment of Joel’s prophecy coming on the day of Pentecost and we might also claim Joel’s words in other times of the Spirit being poured out. The Reformation, the Great Awakening, or any moment in history or in the future still, ...
In all that we do as Christians may we discern God’s goals for us, may we actively seek out those in need and may all of that – lead to action. September 3, 2016 Samaritan GPS A sermon preached on the eighth Sunday after Pentecost ...
A collection of absorbed thoughts and writings that have been turned in the mind, meditatively and inconclusively for the sake of the Gospel.
- Peace is the mother of all blessings. It is the foundation of our joy. It paves the way for love. - The basis of peace is love. Without it there is no peace. - "If you want peace, be prepared for war", the ancient Romans would say, which means: ...