This is not much of a Palm Sunday reflection. I got distracted by news items this morning. But stick with it… we get to Palm Sunday and some songs in the end. – SB To my fellow Christians, some of whom are publicly bristling at current restrictions on public gathering which means we...
Today is Palm Sunday. The sermon this morning explained something that most people miss about the Passion of Jesus that is about to unfold, relating to a symbolic part of the Seder meal every descendent of Abraham follows that speaks… Continue Reading Lent 2021 Day 37 – What Does the Evide...
To her, this was a moral threat far greater than any character flaw Trump might have, as was what she called “the racial divide,” which she believed was getting worse. The evidence was all the black people protesting about the police, and all the talk about the legacy of slavery, whic...
For instance, in New Age spirituality we find a teaching about the spiritual transcendence of our physical world, but we can have contact with and avail ourselves of spiritual energy tapped through crystals, meditation, and so on. The idea has similarities with the Christian idea, but the Chris...
matza are all correct spellings. Knowing that online church was having Communion on Sunday (Palm Sunday), I thought I am going to make matzah. The ingredients are simple – flour, kosher salt and water. I decided to half the recipe because I only needed one little piece. The extra would...
Moreover, incorrect assumptions about the true causes of their unwanted sexual thoughts make them less likely to seek treatment or to share their symptoms with others. In my Palm Beach County, South Florida psychological practice, I treat many individuals who have lived with sexual obsessions for ...
Today is Palm Sunday, the day we remember Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. While today’s worship experience looks different than last year’s, we still join today the communion of saints before us who remember the story of a crowd shouting “Hosanna” while waving palms and placing ...
He comes in Advent in order to be the sacrifice that is needed on Palm Sunday to be the answer to the people’s cries on Good Friday. But it wasn’t as simple as that. Matthew records,“the whole city was stirred up, saying, “Who is this?””The “whole city” in its ignorance...
On Palm Sunday, every year, we wave palm branches and sing, say, and shout “Hallelujah!” as we remember the scene when Jesus rode into Jerusalem in his final week. But in that week for that crowd that lined the road, and in our own year since that Palm Sunday, some began to real...
Or perhaps we can serve them during our Palm Sunday celebration to everyone! The ideas just kept flowing. The question was, can a handful of willing people make this a success? The answer is, of course we can! In fact, the ironic part of this whole endeavor is that none of us are...