The series documents how image has now replaced substance in politics in a totalising way, and how false constructions seek to pave over reality through a culture that is deeply rooted in hyper-individualism, fierce and corrupt competition, ideological dogmatism, and post-modern delusions. 1:34:...
For many things which are not true in the exact sense, are yet dear to Truth; and follow her as a baby's tripping tongue lisps the language of its mother, not very successfully, but still with loyalty, and with a meaning which attentive ears can always catch. ~Louise Imogen Guiney, 18...
594. Don't forsake your kids for a substance, forsake the substance for your kids! 595. God is in control because he is always in the know. 596. The Entitlement Mindset says, "You must supply my needs, so I can supply my wants." 597. To give up is different than letting go. 598...
When we asked about the need for expedient action, we were shocked to learn that the oncologist estimated (based on current size and type of cancer) that the tumor had been growing for over a year and a half, doubling in size roughly every eight weeks. If we hadn’t being doing yard ...
An intangible is something with no physical substance. It can’t be touched or seen…it’s immaterial. God is intangible…we can’t see Him, but His creation is evidence of His presence…everywhere. Romans 1:20 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly se...
a heavy man out of a burning building. Steinem suggested that women can employ different techniques to perform rescues effectively. For example, instead of carrying a person over their shoulder, which may require significant upper body strength, a woman firefighter might use a drag method. Really...
Tears shed because of exposure to cut onion would contain no such substance. Other researchers are investigating the usefulness of tears as a means of diagnosing human ills and monitoring drugs. At Tulane University’s Teat Analysis Laboratory Dr. Peter Kastl and his colleagues report that they...
2. Determine alcohol/other drug use. Drugs can have direct effects on the brain, or have side effects, dose-related effects, and/or cumulative effects that alter thought patterns and sensory perception. Cognitive alterations and deficits that are observed in substance use disorders contribute directl...
An excellent idea and I for one was looking forward to some substance to their issues and not just “we hate Obama” rhetoric…..this was the perfect opportunity for them to be successful…….many Americans were getting weary of the Obama admin and their sluggish policy machine….the voters...
Look, I'm not a doctor or a scientist...but it isn't that difficult to understand that if you put something (a needle connected to a syringe containing a fluid) into a contaminated substance (blood in the tissue of an infected individual in this case), there is a risk that the infec...