— Buddha 241 Our life is what our thoughts make it. — Marcus Aurelius 229 If you put a s infront of hitman, you have my exact thoughts on Bret Hart — Stone Cold Steve Austin 203 The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. — Marcus Aurelius 202 Education ...
“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”–Gautam Buddha Deep Thought-Provoking Quotes Words arepowerful. They can create and destroy. The words we write or speak can have a huge...
- The BuddhaI have always held firmly to the thoughtthat each one of us can do a littleto bring some portion of misery to an end.- Albert Schweitzer Words make you think a thought.Music makes you feel a feeling.A song makes you feel a thought.- E. Y. Harburg...
The twist was that one group of students were given a set of unsolvable problems. No matter how hard these students tried, they were unable to succeed at the task. In the next round, when they were given a set of easy problems, many students either took longer than the average or gav...