Essay on an Unforgettable Day of My Life in Hindi Father’s Name : Mr. Ashok shrivastava Date OF Birth : 14 Aug. 1990 Marital Status : Single Nationality : Indian Language Known :Hindi& English Hobbies : playing cricket Skills : positive attitude‚I do my work Sincerely and ...
The IHRA was the first of its kind and goes back several years in respons to alleged anti-Semitic acts committed primarily in Europe during a flareup of violence between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. It provides examples of anti-Israel statements that areprima facieanti-Semitic. Critics complain (...
Many of the English words and the Scandinavian words were both used. This led to an explosion of the number of words in the English language that meant the same thing. You can see examples of this from the list below. It has the Scandinavian word written first and then the English word...
Use of hashtags also gained popularity on Twitter and is a primary feature in any given tweet. Our analysis shows that there are approximately 1-2 hashtags per tweet, as shown in Table 3 . Data availability Another difference is the magnitude of data available. With the Twitter API, it is...
n-grams and Part-of-Speech features, they also build a feature set from already existing MPQA subjectivity lexicon and Internet Lingo Dictionary. They report that the best results are seen with n-gram features with lexicon features, while using Part-of-Speech features causes a drop in accuracy...
in turn classify the tweets. Apart from using n-grams and Part-of-Speech features, they also build a feature set from already existing MPQA subjectivity lexicon and Internet Lingo Dictionary. They report that the best results are seen with n-gram features with lexicon features, while using ...