It is well established that thought experiments are both scientifically and philosophically significant, and even that they are pedagogically significant. However, the basis and methodology for their pedagogical use is not as well established. Pedagogical thought experiments are defined as mental ...
In this paper, we aim at explaining the relevance of thought experiments (TEs) in philosophy and the history of science by describing them as particular instances of two categories of creative thinking: metaphorical reasoning and abductive cognition. As a result of this definition, we will claim ...
rules ofinference, or legal moves in a game of chess. Thisconceptionof the train of thinking as a sequence of rigorously controlled transformations is buttressed by the theoretical arguments of Sechenov and of Piaget, the results of the Würzburg experiments, and the lessons of computer simulation...
A third of these patients have undergone surgery since 2011, when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said it would loosen rules for testing “truly pioneering technologies” such as brain-machine interfaces. More human experiments are under way. One, at Caltech, wants to give a patient “...
meaning kind of emerges as an emergent property. Now Searle says his argument shows that can't be the case because no matter how complex it gets, it's still simply following rules. But arguably I think that begs the question. So I think thought experiments can be a bit misleading because...
Video game thought experiments are similar to narrative thought experiments in many respects and can perform the same functions. They also have distinctive advantages over narrative thought experiments, as they situate counterfactuals in more complex, developed contexts and present them to players who ...
It's recommended to usenohupsince certain experiments can take hours to run. Also, you may need to create the relevantlogs/{dataset_name}directory if it doesn't exist. The--completion_onlyflag is useful when you run the prediction script on a server, where it may be non-trivial to insta...
Measuring the number of 10-associate bins in which the post minus pre-story Cohen’s d value was different from 0 (Two-tailed, one-sample t-test; p < 0.05, uncorrected) and averaging across experiments, we found that we could detect lingering story themes for approximately 3 bins (~...
It was the politics of a people whose inventive powers were devoted, not to risky political experiments or to dazzling speculative adventures, but to interpreting and responding to the situations into which their impulses or their fortunes led them. The ‘rationalistic’ disposition of the Greeks ...
The policy focuses on creating a roadmap for emerging technologies such as 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing and M2M by simplifying licensing and regulatory frameworks and ensuring appropriate security frameworks. Experiments with new technologies are unable to gain...