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noun prickle, spike, spine, barb Roses will always have thorns, but with care they can be avoided. thorn in your side irritation, nuisance, annoyance, trouble, bother, torture, plague, curse, pest, torment, hassle (informal), scourge, affliction, irritant, bane She's a real thorn in his...
苦瓜"The sixteen thousand acres of roses that turn the world upside down have fallen, but your long summer will not fall. It was a beautiful summer that even the gods praised. " “颠倒世界的一万六千亩玫瑰凋落了,但你的长夏不会凋落。那是一个连神明都夸赞过的美丽夏天。” 苦瓜You are still...
I consulted the secondary sources on my bookshelf. In The Six Wives of Henry VIII, Alison Weir wrote that “Henry was so besotted with Katherine that he ordered a medal to be struck in commemoration of their marriage. It was of gold, embossed with Tudor roses and true lovers’ knots entw...
A thorn among literary roses Prickly Howard Jacobson joins some of literature's leading ladies to reveal why he, too, is in thrall to the haunting work of Jane Austen Prickly Howard Jacobson joins some of literature's leading ladies to reveal why he, too, is in thrall to the haunting ...
我不能承认这是个爱情故事;爱情只是它的一部分,像一朵很美的玫瑰,像那ash of roses。当然我也很无聊地去豆瓣上搜了中文版的书评。莫非是我的疏漏?我并没有读到书评里写的神父Ralph死在Meaggie怀里的消息。第十九章,开篇就写了Rainer在报纸上读到神父的死讯,我的心里一震。明知死亡是必然的,读到Dane的死就...
About the Book Trapped in a dark cult, sixteen-year-old Naomi Aren has lived a quiet, albeit unhappy, life nestled deep in the hills of the Ozarks. With uncut hair, denim skirts, and only roses for friends, Naomi seldom questions why her life is different from other kids at school. Un...
noun prickle, spike, spine, barb Roses will always have thorns, but with care they can be avoided. thorn in your side irritation, nuisance, annoyance, trouble, bother, torture, plague, curse, pest, torment, hassle (informal), scourge, affliction, irritant, bane She's a real thorn in his...
noun prickle, spike, spine, barb Roses will always have thorns, but with care they can be avoided. thorn in your side irritation, nuisance, annoyance, trouble, bother, torture, plague, curse, pest, torment, hassle (informal), scourge, affliction, irritant, bane She's a real thorn in his...