Spanish / Español Select a language: buckthorn [ˈbʌkθɔːn]N→espinomcerval Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005 ...
Spanish / EspañolSelect a language: espinathorn thorn [θɔːn] A. N 1. (= prickle)→ espina fto be a thorn in sb's side or flesh→ ser una espina para algn 2. (= bush, tree)→ espino m B. CPD thorn bush, thorn tree N→ espino m Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete ...
Plant Biologya tree, bush, or shrub having such sharp points:[uncountable]rows of thorn.[countable]to cut down a few thorns. a source or cause of continual annoyance:[countable]A noisy neighbor can be a thorn in one's side. thorn•y,adj.,-i•er, -i•est. ...
The best rose-bush, after all, is not that which has the fewest thorns, but that which bears the finest roses. ~Solomon Singlewitz (Henry Van Dyke, 1852–1933) Tho' I fancy'd the rose, yet I dreaded the thorn. ~English song, 1700s For each pure Rose That now the Bush adorns, T...
• Abound Solar: Received part of a $60 million grant under the Bush administration, and was awarded a $400 million loan under Obama in December of 2010. Abound was awarded a $9.2 million loan from the Export-Import Bank in July 2011. Bankrupt: June 2012. • Beacon Power: Received...
Spanish / EspañolSelect a language: espinathorn thorn [θɔːn] A. N 1. (= prickle)→ espina fto be a thorn in sb's side or flesh→ ser una espina para algn 2. (= bush, tree)→ espino m B. CPD thorn bush, thorn tree N→ espino m Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete ...
Spanish / EspañolSelect a language: espinathorn thorn [θɔːn] A. N 1. (= prickle)→ espina fto be a thorn in sb's side or flesh→ ser una espina para algn 2. (= bush, tree)→ espino m B. CPD thorn bush, thorn tree N→ espino m Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete ...
Spanish / EspañolSelect a language: espinathorn thorn [θɔːn] A. N 1. (= prickle)→ espina fto be a thorn in sb's side or flesh→ ser una espina para algn 2. (= bush, tree)→ espino m B. CPD thorn bush, thorn tree N→ espino m Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete ...
Spanish / EspañolSelect a language: espinathorn thorn [θɔːn] A. N 1. (= prickle)→ espina fto be a thorn in sb's side or flesh→ ser una espina para algn 2. (= bush, tree)→ espino m B. CPD thorn bush, thorn tree N→ espino m Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete ...
Spanish / EspañolSelect a language: espinathorn thorn [θɔːn] A. N 1. (= prickle)→ espina fto be a thorn in sb's side or flesh→ ser una espina para algn 2. (= bush, tree)→ espino m B. CPD thorn bush, thorn tree N→ espino m Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete ...