I have Thorlabs PM100USB power meter connected to the computer and I want to get the current reading from python. From the following code, the measurement type shows "TEMP", which gives the current temperature from a temperature sensor. I printed out the list of resources and this is what ...
Matlab Driver for Thorlabs Power MeterThis is a Matlab class to control Thorlabs power meters. (Multiple meters are supported)For Python wrapper, please go the following page:GitHub Repository Link to a typical Thorlabs Power Meter.User InstructionsDownload the Optical Power Monitor from the Thorlabs...
Software examples for Thorlabs products: Spectrometers CCSxxx | Polarimeter PAX1000 | Power Meter PMxxx | Optical Spectrum Analyzers OSA | Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensors WFSxx | CMOS Camera Beam Profiler BC207 - Thorlabs/Light_Analysis_Examples
Software examples for Thorlabs products: Spectrometers CCSxxx | Polarimeter PAX1000 | Power Meter PMxxx | Optical Spectrum Analyzers OSA | Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensors WFSxx | CMOS Camera Beam … Python 4 contributions in the last year ...