这里展示了Thorlabs的丰富的光纤耦合激光光源产品线。这些光源有单通道和四通道两种版本。 单通道,台式 单通道,T型立方体 手持式激光光源 皮秒和纳秒激光器,增益可调 四通道,台式 4-Channel Laser/SLD Source MEMS-VCSEL扫频光源,1300 nm 1.533 µm锁频激光器 Low-Noise, Narrow-Linewidth Laser, 1310...
泰尔拉布(Thorlabs)Fiber Coupled Laser Source 2298-D11操 S1FC635, S1FC675, S1FC780, S1FC1310, S1FC1550 Fiber Coupled Laser Source Operating Manual
Fiber Coupled 280 - 1050 nm 14.5 mWc Collimated forMicroscopy 365 - 940 nm 500 mW FLIM Sourcesd 365 - 850 nm N/A Multiple LED Sources 4-Wavelength 365 - 660 nm 310 mW Standard Arrays 365 - 850 nm 322 mW LED Drivers a除非另有说明,否则为**功率 b金属芯印刷电路板(MCPCB) cØ400 ...
Fiber-Coupled LEDsMM Laser, 473 nm StandardRotary JointDual CoreBifurcated Y-Cables InterconnectsMating Sleeves StandardDual Core Implant GuidesCannula Holders 光纤规格 Item # Fiber Type NA Core Diameter Cladding Diameter Coating Diameter Buffer
Selection Guide for Fiber-Coupled Detectors Wavelength Element Bandwidth Model 400 - 1100 nm Si 1 GHz DET02AFC 2 GHz DET025AFC 800 - 1700 nm InGaAs 1.2 GHz DET01CFC 800 - 1700 nm 5 GHz (Max) DET08CFC Click to EnlargePDA200C台式光电二极管放大器通过SMA转BNC电线连接DET02AFC光电探测器。
Typical ApplicationLow Power Fiber Lasers Laser TypesFiber coupled Diode, He-Cd, ArIo, KrIo, Dye, Ti-Sapphire Coating /DiffuserN/A CoolingConvection Head Temperature Measurement3)NTC Thermistor 3 kΩ Console CompatibilityPM100D (亦可搭配 PM100A, PM100USB, PM200, PM320E) ...
Photostimulation was applied through a water immersion objective (Plan-Apochromat, 40 × 1.0 numerical aperture, Zeiss) using an LED (Mightex Systems, Canada) coupled via a dual camera port with a multimode fiber (1.0 mm) and collimator (Thorlabs, USA). A power meter fitted with a silicon ...
A multichannel optical power meter with eight independent optical input channels has been launched by !%Thorlabs Inc%!. The OPM8FC uses either an RS-2
Newton, NJ – October 8, 2013 - Thorlabs has released two new fiber-coupled, broadband tungsten light sources (SLS201/SLS202), extending its broadband light sources product offering to spectroscopy for chemical, medical, and biological analysis. The sources come in two versions, both featuring a...