New Extension Set for Automated M² Measurements for Thorlabs’ CCD Camera Beam Profiler (German Translation) Dachau, 29. September 2010 — Thorlabs hat seine Produktlinie für automatisierte M²-Messungen zur Bestimmung von Qualität und Kollimationseigenschaften von Laserstrahlen um zwei neue ...
Thorlabs offers two types of beam profiler systems. The first is a dual scanning slit-based system. It is easy to align and features fast simultaneous measurements of both the X and Y profiles with a large dynamic range of 72 dB. The alternative utilizes a CCD camera to analyze the beam’...
Detectors Power Meters CCD Camera Spectrometer Optical Chopper Beam Profiler & Fabry-Perot Digital Delay Generator Temperature Controller Filter Wheel & Shutter Laser Lab Instruments PM30 Series Optical Power Meter, Analog & Digital Display PM30-120 SYSTEM S120B ...
Thorlabs BC106 Camera Beam Profiler Download Thorlabs Thorlabs DC4104 Download Thorlabs Thorlabs DCC cmos, 1280x1024, ers, 1/2 cameras Download Thorlabs Thorlabs DCC cmos, 1280x1024, ers, 1/3 cameras Download Thorlabs Thorlabs DCC cmos, 1280x1024, gs, 1/2 cameras Download Thorlabs Thorlabs DCU...
光束质量分析仪,进口beam profiler 激光光束轮廓仪 在线交易 氮化镓 孚光精仪品牌 辅光精密仪器(上海)有限公司 5年 查看详情 ¥1.80万/台 湖北武汉 日本KOKYO 带减速转换器的光束质量分析仪LaseView-SRC-LED 品牌日本KOKYO 津越工业设备(武汉)有限公司 2年 查看详情 ¥1000.00/台 广东深圳 美国Sun Nuclear...