spectrum. The measured thermal cross section is 7.41 +- 0.08 b, at 2 keV the cross section is 1.96 +- 0.10 b, and at 24.3 keV it is 0.540 +- 0.014 b. These values are reported relative to an assumed /sup 231/Pa branching ratio of 38.5% for the 311-keV gamma ray, and they do...
90Th;Torio;THORIUM;Chebi:33385;Thorium-232;THORIUM STANDARD;Thorium, pyrophoric;Th Standard Solution;thorium metal,pyrophoric;ZSLUVFAKFWKJRC-UHFFFAOYSA-N CBNumber: CB5350759 Molecular Formula: Th Molecular Weight: 232.04 MDL Number: MFCD00049579 ...
When the motion of an absorber or emitter is constrained to a region that is smaller than the wavelength, the spectrum contains a resonance that is free from the first-order Doppler shift. About this article Cite this article Beeks, K., Sikorsky, T., Schumm, T.et al.The thorium-229 low...
A calibrated High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detector is used to measure the gamma ray spectrum. The amount of 233U produced by Th 232(n, gamma) is calculated using MCNP code. The self-shielding effect is evaluated by calculating the reaction rates for different foil thickness. MCNP calculation ...
Radioactivity measurements using gamma spectrometry showed that Th-232 and its progenies have the highest contribution to the elevated background radiation. Initial laboratory scale standard Energy Dispersive XRF (ED-XRF) analysis indicated that overall Th contents are in the range of 0.06 – 0.17 wt...
The amount of fissile fuel (~(233)U) produced is estimated by measuring the 312 keV gammas emitted by Protactinium-233 (half-life of 27 days). A calibrated High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detector is used to measure the gamma ray spectrum. The amount of ~(233)U produced by Th~(232) (...
gamma-ray spectrum cross section resonance integral angular momentum atomic number mass number spin parity abundance half-life separation energy Editors H. Schopper (10) Editor Affiliations 10. Cern Authors S.I. Sukhoruchkin (100) Z.N. Soroko (100) Author Affiliations 100. Petersburg Nuclear...
Figure 2.A plot showing a reduction in gamma dose from U-232 daughters to 3% after chemical purification, fromWAPD-TM-1422. There are about a dozen other ways people try to amp up the proliferation resistance of various fuel cycles. But they always forget that the owner of such a plant ...
Calculation of the bremsstrahlung spectrum from a 1-mm tungsten target used to reduce the dependence of the total photofission cross section and its angular components on the energy, E, of the gamma quanta is described. The results, which do not fit traditional concepts, indicate the existence ...
A calibrated High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detector is used to measure the gamma ray spectrum. The amount of 233 U produced by Th 232 (n, γ) is calculated using MCNP code. The self-shielding effect is evaluated by calculating the reaction rates for different foil thickness. MCNP calculation...