3) U and 232 Th decay series radionuclides 铀钍衰变系4) thorium [英]['θɔ:riəm] [美]['θorɪəm] 钍<冶>5) Decay chain 衰变链 例句>> 6) α-decay chain α衰变链 1. The properties of nuclei ~(287)115 and it sα-decay chain are studied with the macroscopic-...
The crystal bar process (or Iodide process) was discovered by Anton Eduard van Arkel and Jan Hendrik de Boer in 1925 to produce high-purity metallic thorium.[36] The name ionium was given early in the study of radioactive elements to the 230Th isotope produced in the decay chain of 238U ...
Gamma-spectrometric analysis of high salinity fluids - how to analyze radionuclides of the thorium decay chain far from radioactive equilibrium? Applied Radiation and Isotopes 69 (11), 1613-1617.Degering, D., Kohler, M., Gammaspectrometric analysis of high salinity fluids - how to analyze ...
It contributes to the internal heat generation in the Earth, together with other radioactive elements such as the isotopes of U, U234, U235, U238 and their decay chain members, and K40. As Th232 decays into the stable Pb208 isotope, radon220 or thoron forms in the chain. Rn220 has ...
Thorium-232 undergoes natural disintegration and eventually is converted through a 10-step chain of isotopes to lead-208, a stable isotope; alpha and beta particles are emitted during this decay. One intermediate product is the gas radon-220, also called thorium emanation or thoron. Thorium and ...
(232Th) nucleus, after twice undergoing beta decay, is converted into a233U nucleus; that is, a secondary nuclear fuel is produced. The ability of thorium reactors to effect a large-scale regeneration of233U (seeBREEDER REACTOR) increases the importance of the large natural reserves of ...
After the initial dissolution stage, insoluble precipitates of the intermediate product in the Th chain, 228Ra, provide a supplementary source of 228Th by radioactive decay. Contributions to these precipitates come from dissolution-released and recoil-released 228Ra. This source is manifest as large...
The most stable isotope, 232Th, has a half-life of 14.05 billion years, or about the age of the universe; it decays very slowly via alpha decay, starting a decay chain named the thorium series that ends at stable 208Pb. On Earth, thorium and uranium are the only significantly radio...
estimated maximum quantities of230U are shown that could be harvested following230Pa's decay, approximately 27 days following the end of bombardment. Table 2 below summarizes predicted228,230,231Pa activities generated in a 5 g cm−2thick Th target during a 10-day irradiation in a 230 μA...
For a monazite sample that was annealed at 800掳C prior to leaching, the bulk of the 228Th in solution was supplied by decay of 228Ra rejected from the mineral matrix during annealing. The radiogenic 234U daughter of the 238U decay chain did not exhibit similarly enhanced leaching because ...