It’s been a while since I owned a suspended belt drive turntable. I decided to build two decks; one based on a stock TD-150 MK2 in a Maple plinth and the other, using the inner workings of the TD-150 (sub-chassis, bearing, platter and motor) but with a
唱头为范登豪的DDT-II SPECIAL,输出为0.65mV/通道。唱放为八度OCTAVE Phono Module。前级和后级为mbl的6010D与9008A单声道后级,搭配同样来自mbl的101E MKⅡ全方位360落地音箱。 现场为典雅音乐花园的试音房,搭配八度OCTAVE Phono Module唱放。前级和后级为mbl的6010D与9008A单声道后级,音箱同样来自mbl的101E MKⅡ...
商品名称:德国多能士ThorensTD150黑胶唱机唱盘 品种:留声机/电唱机 属性:电唱机/电动留声机,年代不详 ,台式,其他品牌,德国 ,,, ,,, , 点击查看更多 【黑胶世界】商品推荐更多>>> 英国金环GoldringMM唱头唱针 美国史丹顿stanton500MM唱头唱针 德国意力ELACD792EMM唱头唱针 德国多能士ThorensTD150黑胶唱机唱盘...
试听TD 403 DD 的过程,我用 McIntosh MA12000 合并扩大机与 EAR 886P 前级/509 MK II 后级,驱动 Wilson Audio Alexia 2 音箱,也用前级输出搭配 PSI A14-M Studio 主动监听音箱。 中高输出唱头很好搭配 2M Blue MM 唱头拥有 5.5 mV 的输出,不为难唱头放大,不管是 868P 前级或 MA12000 的 MM 唱头放大档...
‘upgrade’ performed by many TD-150 owners as the decks aged. Linn springs are longer and stiffer than the originals, and can therefore make adjustment more difficult due to their being approximately 1KG less mass in the TD-150 platter than the platter of an LP12. They therefore require ...
向经典 TD 150 致敬 TD 1500 虽是 Thorens 新推出的唱盘,但它却是向经典 TD 150 致敬的复刻版,不过它并不是单纯复刻,而是加上新的技术,让黑胶唱盘更简单好用,所以型号变成 TD 1500,而不是 TD 150 复刻(reissue)。 回归经典致敬,并加上新的技术,似乎是现任总裁 Gunter Kurten 的重点策略,最早从 TD 124 ...