Thor: Directed by Kenneth Branagh. With Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston, Anthony Hopkins. The powerful but arrogant god Thor is cast out of Asgard to live amongst humans in Midgard (Earth), where he soon becomes one of their finest defen
Thor is a 2011 American superhero film based on the comic book character of the same name published by Marvel Comics. It is the fourth film released as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The film was directed by Kenneth Branagh, written by Ashley Edward Miller, Zack Stentz and Don Payne...
What's Thor's hammer's name? Melbö Morgöt Mjölnir Mönty 2/9 As well as being a famous movie star, Thor was one of the Gods of which real-life ancient civilization? The Romans The Vikings The Phoenicians The Incans 3/9 Who is Thor's dad? Loki Odin ...
Movie News Benedict Cumberbatch leads the Marvel Phase 3 adventure Doctor Strange, which is shooting in London, New York, Hong Kong and Kathmandu, Nepal. By B. Alan Orange Nov 24, 2015 Power Rangers Reboot Will Keep Mighty Morphin Character Names Movie News The new Power Rangers will ...
Top 10 Movies Shot Exclusively on IMAX Cameras, Ranked 9/30/2024 by Rakibul John Rodgers FandomWire Avengers: Secret Wars Rumored To Feature The Return Of An Iconic X-men Character - Possible Spoilers 9/28/2024 Doctor Strange ending explained: How Dr. Strange saves Earth fr...
‘Thor: Love & Thunder’ was released in 2022, and the movie was described as cringy at best. And while everyone praised Taika’s first Thor,‘Ragnarok’‘Love & Thunder’ was heavily criticized for excessive out-of-place humor, especially when you take into account that one of the promi...
Natalie Portman also returns as Doctor Jane Foster, with the actress agreeing to reprise her role after a single meeting with Waititi (perVariety) as long as he reinvented her character. Having appeared in Thor and its maligned sequelThor: The Dark World, Portman wasn't involved in Thor: Ra...
It gets used by plenty of MCU fans when they love a particular movie, show, or character. “You People Are So Petty. And Tiny.” The Avengers (2012) In the first Avengers movie, it was clear that bringing all of these Marvel heroes together would be really difficult. With so many ...
That is, in large part, due to Tom Hiddleston's incredibly skilled, nuanced acting; he's so in character that his normally boyish, adorable face takes on an entirely new level to match the character in question. Thor usually comes out on top, because he's the hero, the main character....
The end credit sequence of Thor is the most fascinating yet as it actually takes a major plot development in the story strand ;) And it was the longest bloody end of credit sequence I've ever seen in any movie! One last thing, the film I saw was in 3d and once again, it ...