Ant-Man and the Wasp: QuantumaniaMarvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
This storyline is primarily focused on the acquisition of Stormbreaker, but it's not that simple. Thor has to contend with the forces of Thanos and an encounter with Beta Ray Bill, also seeking the hammer. By the time the saga ends, he's not the same warrior of Asgard he was before....
Thor witnessed Thanos take the stone and murder his brother before he was flung from the ship and left for dead. He was picked up by the Guardians of the Galaxy and had teamed up with Rocket Raccoon and Groot to travel to Nidavellir. With the help of Eitri, Thor crafted Stormbreaker and...
After Mjolnir’s destruction by Hela, Thor forges a new weapon when the threat of Thanos arises. With the help of Eitri, a Dwarven smithy of Nidavellir, and an adolescent Groot, Thor crafts Stormbreaker, an immense axe with some of the same properties as his hammer, along with the ability...
Perhaps most famous of all isBeta Ray Bill. He's from planet Korbin, but actually fights on behalf of Asgard in the source material after once hefting Mjolnir and gaining the power of Thor. After returning Thor's hammer, he's rewarded with one known as Stormbreaker, which he uses in bot...
Perhaps most famous of all isBeta Ray Bill. He's from planet Korbin, but actually fights on behalf of Asgard in the source material after once hefting Mjolnir and gaining the power of Thor. After returning Thor's hammer, he's rewarded with one known as Stormbreaker, which he uses in bot...
Beta Ray Bill, a warrior alien, bests Thor in battle one time. As a reward for his strength, Odin creates a new hammer known as Stormbreaker for Bill. Bill subsequently fights alongside Thor, the Avengers, and Fantastic Four during an engagement on Earth in battle with Surtur. ...
When Chris Hemsworth Confessed He Was ‘Bored’ Of Thor After The Dark World, & How Taika Waititi Saved The Character Chris Hemsworth Reveals He Was Bored Of Thor Before Ragnarok ( Photo Credit – Instagram )Hold up—Chris Hemsworth was bored of Thor? Hemsworth, who’s been rocking Thor’...
Odin created a new hammer for Bill, the Stormbreaker, and transferred the enchantment that enabled Thor to change into mortal form to Bill's hammer. This allowed Bill to assume his pre-enhanced form but also removed the Blake persona from existence.[105] With the aid of Nick Fury, Public ...
after his MCU character – Eitri – helped Thor forge Stormbreaker in Avengers: Infinity War (viaEmpire). But, again, Bale revealed that his scenes with Dinklage were cut, too, so don't expect Eitri to show up either. Portman has also confirmed that "whole sequences, characters, and ...