Thor advances on Loki, who backs up onto the chaise lounge. THOR Where's father? Did you kill him? LOKI You had what you wanted, you had the independence you asked for! Thor PRESSES Mjolnir onto Loki's chest. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 15. LOKI (CONT'D) Ow-ow-ow! Alright! I ...
Thor's villainous uncle Loki has escaped Asgard to search for Yggdrasil. The tree holds the power of the Universe. With the help of wolf god Fenrir, Loki plans to destroy the tree and replant it in his image, giving him dominion over all. ...
The fact that Thor and Loki arenot the worst sibling relationshipin theThormovies says a lot about Thor's relationship with his sister. Moments after learning of Hela's existence, she shows up to kill Thor without hesitation. Whatever connection these two might have through their family, it w...
15 Reasons The 'Thor' Movies Are The Best Franchise In The MCU The Most Powerful Asgardians And Norse Gods In The MCU 21 Interesting Details MCU Fans Noticed About Loki And Thor Small Details About Norse Mythology Fans Noticed In The 'Thor' Movies Everyone Who Has Wielded Mjolnir In Marvel...
15 Reasons The 'Thor' Movies Are The Best Franchise In The MCU The Most Messed Up Things Thor Has Ever Done In The Comics 21 Times Thor And Loki Were The Most Hilarious Siblings In The MCU The Best Thor Villains, Foes, and Enemies of All Time 14 Things You Didn’t Know About Valkyri...
Thor- (Norse mythology) god of thunder and rain and farming; pictured as wielding a hammer emblematic of the thunderbolt; identified with Teutonic Donar Norse mythology- the mythology of Scandinavia (shared in part by Britain and Germany) until the establishment of Christianity ...
And, we're prepared to fight to the death to defend them. The latest (friendly) spat came after last night's viewing of Thor: The Dark World. The film's two stars, Thor and Loki, represent the classic dichotomy of the male gender: hot, hunky, man's man versus brooding, intelligent...
Thor XXX: An Axel Braun Parody: Regia di Axel Braun. Con Glendon Crain, Kimberly Kane, Tommy Pistol, Mark Davis.
kept her out of harms way by transferring her to a remote observatory where Loki could not find her. Foster found out of Thor's return through the footage of the Battle of New York; this left her disappointed and angry that Thor didn't attempt contacting her. During the Convergence, she...
Thor and Loki's MCU family tree keeps growing as the Marvel Cinematic Universe's take on Norse mythology is explored in new movies and shows. By Nicolas Ayala Oct 22, 2023 Movies Thor's 10 Most Impressive Displays Of Power In The MCU Throughout the MCU, Thor has managed some impress...