Carol的力量实际上使她能够引导和重新分配包括电力在内的能源。由于雷神(Thor)的大多数攻击都是基于闪电的,所以他对漫威队长(Captain Marvel)的任何攻击都只会大大增强力量。此外,使用Mjolnir给Brigid赋予Carol力量升级似乎暗示Carol也可以吸收神奇的能量,包括Mjolnir自身内部的能量,尽管尚不清楚维利德是否愿意为Carol吸收能...
The two Avengers Thor and Captain Marvel are among the strongest superheroes in the Marvel Universe, but now the two powerhouses of the team have quite literally lost control of their powers...and they are acting independently of their wielders. Both heroes have long histories of losing and r...
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After the Avengers were joined by Captain Marvel, the team traveled to the Garden, where Thor and the Avengers ambushed Thanos, discovering that the Titan destroyed the Stones, ensuring that a reversal of his actions was now impossible. Enraged, Thor beheaded Thanos using Stormbreaker and left ...
Marvel's Captain America 9.5 The Dark Knight Manual 10.0 认识电影:全彩插图第12版 9.2 吉尔莫·德尔·托罗的奇思妙想 8.8 你的剧本逊毙了! 8.0 故事 9.3 纸上中洲 9.4 拍电影时我在想的事 8.9 编剧的艺术 8.4 我来说两句 短评 ··· ( 全部9 条 ) 热门 0 有用 Norloth 2012...
After the Avengers were joined by Captain Marvel, the team traveled to the Garden, where Thor and the Avengers ambushed and interrogated Thanos, discovering that the Titan destroyed the Stones, ensuring that a reversal of his actions was now impossible. Enraged, Thor beheaded Thanos using ...
And in that way, watching the Marvel movies in order tells one grand story.There are a couple of different ways to watch the Marvel movies in order, but below we run down how to watch the MCU in chronological and release date order. Indeed, some films like “Captain Marvel” and “...
In Captain Marvel’s case, she has to battle the heroes while being fully cognizant of her actions, knowing full well the pain and confusion her friends are going through upon the realization that they’re being attacked by a close ally. Not only that, but Captain Marvel’s mission is a...
Marvel is jumping into the 3D ocean with both feet, as the company has confirmed to theLA Timesthat the upcomingThorandCaptain America: The First Avengerwill both be presented in 3D. The upcoming Spider-Man reboot starringAndrew Garfieldwill also be in 3D, and although it is too early to ...