I. INSTALLATION How do I install Thomson Reuters Eikon – Microsoft Office? The add-in loads automatically when you install Thomson Reuters Eikon. You don’t need to install anything else. Open a Microsoft Excel sheet and you see Thomson Reuters in the ribbon.II...
彭博终端、Eikon、Capital IQ上市公司部分资料多而全。以非上市公司信息而言,Capital IQ包含欧美大型非上...
The Screener App in Thomson Reuters Eikon is a powerful, flexible and intuitive idea generation tool that enables you to view a chosen universe and identify a group of securities that meet your investment objectives. It provides you with a suite of sophisticated screening tools that enable you ...
觉得Eikon做commodities trading比Bloomberg方便很多。 【李迪的回答(0票)】: 对TR的认识还停留在web of science和endnote上… 【知乎用户的回答(0票)】: 在国内路透社很普及,很多家大媒体都买路透社的素材,原因不知道。可能是他们的素材便宜,也可能是更适合做咱们国内的新闻,格式什么的都差不太多。Bloomberg貌似在...
我没用过Eikon,也不知道任何只用Eikon不用Bloomberg的公司。Capital IQ则根本不是一个类型的软件,没有...
Thomson Eikon没用过,讲一下Thomson One: 屎一样的用户界面,主要优点就是可以看一下研究报告,但这些...