After 4thgrade I would learn todrive. The first reason I would learn is to get around fast. The second reason I would learn is to get groceries when my mom needs them. My last reason I would learn is to get to McDonalds wherever I am hungry. The next thing I ‘d learn that toeat...
9. The educational chart as claimed in claim 1, wherein said first subject is selected from the group consisting of number concepts, color concepts, directional concepts, geometric concepts, writing concepts, time concepts, calendar concepts, astronomy concepts, language concepts, mathematics concepts,...
I am writing about Michael Phelps. Michael Phelps specialized in swimming. I want to swim like Michael. So far, I am on a competitive swimming team inSt. Charles. I live in Elburn. Swimming is what I want to do most now. I can swim 100 m. freestyle and backstroke. I am 9 years ...