Netflix currently has a market cap of around $145 billion. As a company Netflix relies mostly (at present) on subscription revenue. While Netflix charges more than Twitter, they have the disadvantage of having to pay for content. Assuming Elon can grow his subscription business over time (l...
We love all the free services out there, but it would be good to keep it on topic. It's a bit of a grey line at times so this is a bit opinionated; do not be offended if I do not accept your contribution. This list is the result of Pull Requests, reviews, ideas and work ...
Create two folders, train, and val, each of which has one subfolder for each class containing the JPEG images of the examples in that class. Modify imagenet_root() in platforms/ to return this location. If you wish to train with 16-bit precision, you will need to install the...
% declare the path(s) where your graphic files are \graphicspath{{img/}} \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf,.jpeg,.png,.eps} \usepackage{subfig} \usepackage{soul} % strikethrough \usepackage{minted} \usetheme{progressbar} \setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number] \setbeamercovered{transparent} ...
data is corrupted. Have a look at Cat\10404.jpg for example. Deeplearning4j will crash during the training phase, if corrupt image files are fed into the pipeline. Therefore we have to delete it. Look at the method "deleteCorruptJpegData()" this will delete images with invalid JPEG data...
TEST_DATA=datasets.MNIST('../data',train=False) importbase64 fromioimportBytesIO defshow_image(index): globalTEST_DATA image,label=TEST_DATA[index] buffered=BytesIO(),format="JPEG") img_str=base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()) ...