Upon arriving at Knapford, Gordon boasts about how fast he can go, which does not impress most of the other engines. Then, the Fat Controller asks Thomas to deliver a jet engine to Dryaw. During his journey to collect the jet engine, Thomas secretly wishes he could go as fast as ...
今天的绘本故事《Thomas and the Jet Engine》是由我们南京英孚仙林万达茂中心的高颜值优秀外教Jennifer为大家精心准备的。 听完故事别忘了回答我们的“big question”哦~第一个回答对的小朋友将会获得精美好礼一份哟! 英孚老师读绘本 Jennifer Thomas and the...
Thomas and the Jet Engine,托马斯和喷气发动机,Rev W Awdry,Egmont UK Ltd,宝宝睡前启蒙故事绘本英文绘本幼师必读书籍Thomas friend托马斯
Join Thomas the Tank Engine and meet lots of new friends in this enchanting family adventure movie, Thomas and the Magic Railroad.Thomas and his friends live on the Island of Sodor, the land of talking trains which has been a realm of magic and innocence, but Diesel 10 and his sidekicks ...
But one day, Thomas is given a very special job: he is taking a jet engine to the airport. When the engine is switched on by accident, suddenly Thomas is the very fast and very important train! Beginning readers will enjoy the simple text full of action words ( zip! ) and action ...
The World's Strongest Engine, Scaredy Engines, Percy and the Haunted Mine (cameo), Middle Engine (does not speak), James and the Red Balloon, Jack Frost, Gordon Takes a Tumble, Percy's Chocolate Crunch, Thomas, Percy and the Squeak, Thomas the Jet Engine and Edward the Very Useful Engin...
First, he insulted the other steam engines - especially Thomas by calling him a "tiny toy tank engine", which as a result they had a competition of strength. However, Spencer neglected to build the new summer house when he became suspicious about Thomas and thought he was being a tricky ...
15Treasure on the tracks 16Thomas goes fishing 17Thomas and friends/Thomas and the jet engine 18Thomas and friends-The monster of sodar 19Thomas and friends/Thomas’ tall friends 20Thomas and friends/henry in the dark 21Thomas and friends – Thomas and the shark (By Max) 22Thomas and frien...
Thomas and the Ghost Engine (机器翻译:托马斯和幽灵火车托马斯与幽灵火车头) 作者:Based on the television series by Rev W Awdry 出版社:Egmont ISBN(13位):9780603562600 语种:英语 开本:64 页数:32 市场价:¥ 49.6 装帧成色申东价活动价库存