When triggered, the act requires an assessment of a project’s potential impact, but doesn’t require any specific measurable outcomes once the project has gone ahead. Read more: The ultra-polluting Scarborough-Pluto gas project could blow through Labor’s climate target – and it just got the...
Tracy Scarborough testified that at 9 or 9:30 p.m. on August 15, after spending the evening with a friend on University Avenue, he returned to Rainbow Village. He was "pretty drunk" at the time, and went to sleep in the front seat of defendant's car, an inoperable blue Opel station...
For example, the federal government recently approved Western Australia’s Scarborough-Pluto gas project. It is set to be one of Australia’s most emissions-intensive developments. https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-2&features=eyJ0ZndfdHdlZXRfZWRpdF9i...
Lock, Mary Loeffel, Keith Lofy, Jean Lohier, Laura Arthur Scales, Patrick Scanlon, Jaimie Scarborough, Kathleen Schaber, Rosemary Epperson, Pamela Epps, Michael Erickson, Scott Erickson, Lombardo, Lina Loncar, Danna Long, Karen Long, James Longi III, Anna David, Schafer, Toni Schaperjohn, ...
Lock, Mary Loeffel, Keith Lofy, Jean Lohier, Laura Arthur Scales, Patrick Scanlon, Jaimie Scarborough, Kathleen Schaber, Rosemary Epperson, Pamela Epps, Michael Erickson, Scott Erickson, Lombardo, Lina Loncar, Danna Long, Karen Long, James Longi III, Anna David, Schafer, Toni Schaperjohn, ...