Freedom ultimately means the right of other people to do things that you do not approve of.”— Thomas Sowell — Thomas Sowell Quotes (@ThomasSowell) December 28, 2024Sowell says Rate this: Share this: Reddit Tweet More Loading...
Thomas Sowell Tyler O'Neil Victor Davis Hanson Walter E. Williams Creation/Evolution Answers in Genesis Ark Encounter Creation Ministries International Discovery Institute Inst.of Creation Research Global Warming Climate Audit Climate Change Dispatch Climate Depot Gelbspan Files Heartland Institute List of th...
In Jefferson City, Mo., Thomas had an epiphany of sorts when he re-read the writings of Thomas Sowell, who argues that blacks are casualties, not beneficiaries, of preferential policies. “It was like pouring half a glass of water on the desert--I just soaked it up,” he said of the...