The best Thomas Sowell books provide intellectual stimulation in highly readable form. These works focus on complex issues, providing a deep dive into the nuances of economics, politics, and society. As readers lose themselves in these absorbing narratives, it's clear why so many deem these books...
经济学的思维方式·现实应用篇 263 7.9 2018 作者 征服与文化 63 7.8 2023 作者 种族与文化 28 7.8 2023 作者 被掩盖的经济真相 311 7.7 2008 作者 房地产的繁荣与萧条 205 7.5 2013 作者 Social Justice Fallacies 29 2023 作者 语迟的孩子 9 2013 作者 Thomas Sowell Reader 8 2011 作者 Ever Wonder Why...
Thomas Sowell: Books That Make Great Gifts This ChristmasSowell, Thomas
as some editions/imprints appear to have survived only in unique copies. Although St John's College holds one of such volumes, its holdings of Willis's books are otherwise not extraordinary among Oxford and Cambridge college libraries. Yet, these volumes are now part of an early modern medical...
Intellectuals and Society, by Thomas Sowell. New York: Basic Books, 2009, 416 pp., $29.95 hardbound. 来自 学术范 喜欢 0 阅读量: 26 作者: SH Balch 摘要: Economics is the most reductionist of the social sciences, homo economicus being a pureblood creature of loss and gain. Prices soar ...
Intellectuals and Society, by Thomas Sowell. New York: Basic Books, 2009, 416 pp., $29.95 hardboundEconomics is the most reductionist of the social sciences, homo economicus being a pureblood creature of loss and gain. Prices soar or plummet, busts follow booms, markets are made and unmade...
doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2004.09.004ScottBeaulierSDOSJournal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Book Review: Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture: A World View (New York, NY: Basic Books, 1994, 331 pp., £16.95 hbk.)doi:10.1177/030582989502400235Stephen ChanMillennium - Journal of International Studies
Thomas Sowell: Christmas is the season for giving -- good booksThomas Sowell
Byline: Stephen Goode, INSIGHTThomas Sowell makes use of this pithy quotation from his fellow economist Steven E. Lansburg at the opening of Basic Economics: "A few lines of reasoning can change the way we look at the world." It is an apt epigraph for a book in which Sowell accurately...