Thomas Paine's words leaped off the page in the Golden Printing House. His pamphlet called "Common Sense" ignited the sparks of the American Revolutionary War like raging waves. The green-brick house in Concord Square was his temporary residence, and the prestigious Saint Joseph's University lay...
Four or five united would be able to raise a tolerable dwelling in the midst of a wilderness, but one man might labour out of the common period of life without accomplishing any thing; when he had felled his timber he could not remove it, nor erect it after it was removed; hunger in...
Thomas Paine 的 Common Sense 《常识》是经典文献了,矮脚鸡版很不错,书轻巧字不小读着很舒服,带详细序言。《常识》是美国独立战争重要思想理论支撑,文字写的真是字字珠玑充满激情,详论了为什么要有政府,政府和社会的区别,自由民主的重要等等,且此书很短一读就完,所以读下是非常值得的 ...
In these respects, today’s America resembles the America of 1776, when divisions threatened the future of the democratic experiment. As patriots readied for battle and loyalists clung to the British crown, Thomas Paine published “Common Sense,” a fiercely persuasive pamphlet that unite...
常识 潘恩 Common Sense by Thomas Paine, 1791 译者之言 原文三版序言 论政府一般起源与设计 并简评英伦宪制 论君主政体与世袭 论美洲目前形势 论美洲目前能力 附感言 三版附记 致教友派教徒函件 译者之言 近读梁文道先生政论文集 《常识》 先生谓书名取自潘恩Thomas Paine警世之作Common Sense。网上寻书一读 ...
Part I of Paine’s book The Age of Reason was published in 1794, during his time in prison. By 1807, when Part III of this book appeared, Paine had moved back to America. But by then he had lost many of his supporters. He died in New York in 1809. 潘恩的《理性时代》一书的第...
1776年Thomas Paine的common sense小册子遍布北美大陆,Thomas Jefferson写下著名的 “all men are created equal”;同时women’s suffrage直到1920年才formally proclaim。这导致我在阅读一些材料的时候有着强烈的割裂感:思想很好,用着最宏大的用词,人类、公民等,实际上落实下来就是俩字儿——白男。 û收藏 转发...
> Common Sense, The Rights of Man and Other Essential Writings of Thomas Paine 作者: Thomas Paine isbn: 1442143045 书名: Common Sense, The Rights of Man and Other Essential Writings of Thomas Paine 页数: 474 定价: USD 19.95 出版社: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 装帧: Paperback ...
Common Sense…1 Common Sense Addressed to the Inhabitants of America Man knows no Master save creating Heaven, Or those whom Choice and common Good ordain. Thomson. February 14, 1776 INTRODUCTION Perhaps the sentiments contained in the following pages, are not yet sufficiently fashionable to procure...
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