Thomas Paine's words leaped off the page in the Golden Printing House. His pamphlet called "Common Sense" ignited the sparks of the American Revolutionary War like raging waves. The green-brick house in Concord Square was his temporary residence, and the prestigious Saint Joseph's University lay...
《Common Sense, The Rights of Man and Other Essential Writings of Thomas Paine》的原文摘录 “他有《常识》,反抗那时的政治传统;他有《人的权利》,反抗社会传统;他有《土地正义论》,反抗的是经济传统;最后有《理性时代》,反抗的是宗教传统。这样一来,他就把那个年头能得罪的人类权势力量都得罪完了。他从...
这一遍刷懂了Thomas Paine Common Sense【转发】@回响电影:百老汇音乐剧《汉密尔顿》剧院官摄版,高清中英字幕,收藏!(NEW字幕组) L回响电影的微博视频
Introduction: Thomas Paine (1737-1826) Thomas Paine was born in England and was apprenticed to his father, a maker of corsets. When he was nineteen, he ran away to sea but returned two years later to take up his apprenticeship work. He did not stay in that profession but instead became...
PAINE PROMOTES AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE 潘恩提倡美国独立 In January 1776, Paine published a 50-page pamphlet called Common Sense. The pamphlet sold over 500,000 copies! Great Britain, he wrote, unfairly used the colonies for money and manpower. Paine branded King George III as a tyrant who squashe...
Common Sense by Thomas Paine悦_ju 3079 《常识》是托马斯·潘恩(Thomas Paine,1737~1809)1776年1月以“一个英国人”的署名而发表的,内容确实如书名所言,全是常识,但这些常识是就今天而言的,在莱克星顿的枪声打响之后的1776年1月,这本书所具有的震撼人心的作用是今人所不可想象的,可以说就是促使美国从不列颠...
Thomas PaineexceptionalismoptimismjeremiadCommon Sensewill be provided by author.The citizens of the United States have often seen themselves as part of an "exceptional" nation, one with a unique mission in the world. This belief has often lead to a number of undesirable outcomes, such as a ...
Common Sense, The Rights of Man and Other Essential Writings of Thomas Paine的创作者 ··· 托马斯·潘恩 作者 作者简介 ··· 托马斯・潘恩,生于英格兰诺福克郡一个裁缝,上过几年学,先后做过学徒、鞋匠、英语教师、收税官,在富兰克林帮助下到达北美大陆,投身于争取北美独立事业,1776年以“一个英国人...
Thomas Paine: Common Sense(《常识》英文版)(1) 托马斯·潘恩 [Info USA] Thomas Paine: Common Sense(《常识》英文版)(1) 托马斯·潘恩文 发表::选自Info USA/2001年4月;学术交流网/美国历史文献/2002年11月5日转发 Common Sense Addressed to the Inhabitants of America Man knows no Master save creatin...