然而,在华纳公布的类似“任天堂大乱斗”新游戏《MultiVersus》中,汤姆猫和杰瑞鼠的真实原名公布了,粉丝们直呼大为惊讶。具体来说,汤姆猫本名是Thomas Jasper Cat, Sr.,杰瑞鼠本名是Gerald Jinx Mouse。当然,这并非华纳无中生有。实际上,汤姆和杰瑞在上世纪40年代的《Puss Gets the Boot》首次亮相时,就分别...
was born on 12 March 1909 at Webb City, Jasper Co., MO.2,3,4 He was the son of Harry Claude Moore and Valera Mae Chappell. Harry Claude Moore Jr. married Jewel Wolfe on 18 October 1930 at Bryan Co., OK.5 Harry Claude Moore Jr. and Jewel Wolfe were divorced in August 1931. Har...
with its 101 great medical cartoons by Jim Simpkins, creator of Jasper the Bear. paperback - $2.95 Potlatch Publications, I%35 Dalewood Crescent, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 495 20 Be& in Canada. Noveynbar, 1 Q76 ten.. attd not from those well-known bank robbers often inserted into children...