Also launched in 2020, the 4-track EP‘Vocalese: A Tribute to Chet Baker’features Thomas’s original vocalese lyrics to the legendary trumpet player Chet Baker’s horn solos on some beloved jazz standards. “Ron McClure who is a bass player primarily, but a fine pianist too, plays with ...
—Pamela Klinger-Horn, Excelsior Bay Books (Excelsior, MN)
6689139 Long oblique ulna shortening osteotomy jig February, 2004 Horn 6682533 Surgical cable system and method January, 2004 Dinsdale et al. 6682531 Orthopaedic bone plate January, 2004 Winquist et al. 20030233093 Osteogenic distraction device December, 2003 Moles et al. 6623487 Temperature sensitive...
In 1991, he pointed out in his “Robert and Maurine Rothschild Distinguished Lecture” (“The Trouble with the Historical Philosophy of Science”) that “the problem with the historiographic revolution was that it was unable to provide a philosophy of science to replace the one it demolished and...