Thomas Hobbes (英语:Thomas Hobbes,1588年4月5日—1679年12月4日),是英国的政治哲学家[1][2],现代自由主义政治哲学体系的奠基者。他也创立了机械唯物主义的完整体系,认为宇宙是所有机械地运动着的广延物体的总和。他提出“自然状态”和国家起源说,认为国家是人们为了遵守“自然法”而订立契约所形成的,是一部人...
doi:10.1080/23801883.2022.2117638Luka RibareviGlobal Intellectual History
part 1 : 霍布斯Thomas Hobbes: 权利、人权与社会秩序 ▼ Life理论影响 Francis bacon (归纳法) • Galileo 分析综合法;resolutive-compositive Descartes 笛卡尔-(二元论dualism) Materialism物质主义/保皇派 ▼…
Thomas Hobbes, a prominent philosopher of the 17th century, is best known for his work "Leviathan," in which he explores various aspects of political philosophy, human nature, and the nature of society. Here's an overview of some key elements of Hobbes's theory as presented in "Leviathan":...
托马斯·霍布斯(Thomas Hobbes,1588年4月5日-1679年12月4日)英国政治家、哲学家。生于英国威尔特省一牧师家庭。早年就学于牛津大学,后做过贵族家庭教师,游历欧洲大陆。他创立了机械唯物主义的完整体系,指出宇宙是所有机械地运动着的广延物体的总和。他提出“自然状态
In Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes argues that because human nature is warlike and selfish, a strong and authoritative sovereign is necessary to keep society out of this “state of nature”, thereby allowing trade and industry to flourish. The nature of human equality, he says, leads to competition am...
on the views of psychological egoism of Thomas Hobbes I will be explaining his views on human nature, altruistic behavior, and the ‘state of nature.’ I will explain his conception of the social contract, along with a detailed illustration of the importance of the contact and why it works....
32. “The first and fundamental law of Nature, which is, to seek peace and follow it.”–Thomas Hobbes Thomas Hobbes quotes on government 33. “How could a state be governed, or protected in its foreign relations if every individual remained free to obey or not to obey the law according...
(六)霍布斯(ThomasHobbes,1588-1679)和洛克(JohnLocke,1632-1704) [A]霍布斯政治理論的重要性 霍布斯與一種嶄新的國家觀的確立 亞里斯多德(Aristotle,384-322BC)的政治自然主義 (politicalnaturalism):(1)人天生/在本質上是一個政治 動物;(2)國家是一種自然的存在[具有內在於它本身之目的者 ...
Thomas Hobbes ·外国经典 ·20.6万字 免费 The Elements of Law Natural and Politic 本书为公版书,为不受著作权法限制的作家、艺术家及其它人士发布的作品,供广大读者阅读交流。汇聚授权电子版权。 Thomas Hobbes ·外国经典 ·28.3万字 免费 Liberty 本书为公版书,为不受著作权法限制的作家、艺术家及其...