Thomas Hobbes (英语:Thomas Hobbes,1588年4月5日—1679年12月4日),是英国的政治哲学家[1][2],现代自由主义政治哲学体系的奠基者。他也创立了机械唯物主义的完整体系,认为宇宙是所有机械地运动着的广延物体的总和。他提出“自然状态”和国家起源说,认为国家是人们为了遵守“自然法”而订立契约所形成的,是一部人...
On Hobbes’s role in the Engagement Controversy, see Quentin Skinner, ‘Conquest and consent: Thomas Hobbes and the Engagement Controversy’, in The Interregnum (London, 1972), pp. 79–98Skinner, Quentin, "Conquest and Consent: Thomas Hobbes and the Engagement Controversy" in Aylmer, GE (ed)...
Thomas Hobbes- English materialist and political philosopher who advocated absolute sovereignty as the only kind of government that could resolve problems caused by the selfishness of human beings (1588-1679) Hobbes Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University,...
Thomas Hobbessaw Society as a giant machine (perpetually in motion), thus the title of his great work,The Leviathan, which is founded on Mechanics (the Motion of Bodies / Matter). In Leviathan, Hobbes argues that the natural state of man (without any civil government) is war, ... the ...
They both agree on a popular contract or constitution which is where the people give power to govern to their government. It is to that, the people have granted this authority to the government and that power rests in the people. And this is where most of the similarities in opinion end...
Thomas Hobbes is an enlightenment philosopher from England; he is known for his on political philosophy. He published his enlightenment novel Leviathan in 1651; his book discusses the structure of society and government. His book was one of the most influential pieces of work during the Enlightenme...
Hobbes-Bacon relation, and his his use of Bacon’s thought suggests a fascination with the kind of monarchism advocated by Bacon which mixes legalism with the application of scientific method to the prudential art of government. Harrington, it appears, wanted republicanism to incorporate such ...
(六)霍布斯(ThomasHobbes,1588-1679)和洛克(JohnLocke,1632-1704) [A]霍布斯政治理論的重要性 霍布斯與一種嶄新的國家觀的確立 亞里斯多德(Aristotle,384-322BC)的政治自然主義 (politicalnaturalism):(1)人天生/在本質上是一個政治 動物;(2)國家是一種自然的存在[具有內在於它本身之目的者 ...
What was the basis of absolutism in Thomas Hobbes Leviathan? What did Sophocles say about logic? What did Ayn Rand believe about poor people? What is Ayn Rand's opinion of the society in 'Anthem'? According to Locke in Second Treatise of Government, what is the role of the legislative po...
See also Hobbes 1983b, 33. 234Gianni PaganiniAs is evident, at least until the second edition ofDe cive, Hobbes is stillworking within the classical paradigm centred on the difficult balance of rea-son and passions; his own approach still dwells upon the government of pas-sions by reason;...