《利维坦》象征 Thomas Hobbes(托马斯• 霍布斯)简介 托马斯·霍布斯于1588年出生在英格兰威尔特郡马姆斯伯里镇附近的韦斯特波特村。霍布斯有一个哥哥和一个妹妹,他的父亲是一名未受过教育的牧师,不重视孩子的教育。当霍布斯还是个孩子的时候,他的父亲在经历了某种纠纷后离开了韦斯特波特,霍布斯与他父亲的兄弟弗朗西斯一起...
THOMAS HOBBES,Leviathan Potent men digest hardly anything that setteth up a power to bridle their affections, and learned men anything that discovereth their errors and thereby lesseneth their authority. Whereas the common people's minds, unless they be tainted with dependence on the potent, or s...
Thomas Hobbessaw Society as a giant machine (perpetually in motion), thus the title of his great work,The Leviathan, which is founded on Mechanics (the Motion of Bodies / Matter). In Leviathan, Hobbes argues that the natural state of man (without any civil government) is war, ... the ...
【哥大·Arts One】霍布斯 Thomas Hobbes《利维坦 Leviathan》——哥大政治哲学 449播放1:23:27 【哥大·Arts One】弗洛伊德 Freud《少女杜拉的故事 Dora: An Analysis of a Case of Hysteria》 GrabTheSpoon 387 1 1:42:16 【哥大·Arts One】古希腊悲剧作家 索福克勒斯 Sophocles 《安提戈涅 Antigone》...
托马斯霍布斯Thomas Hobbes政治 - 利维坦Leviathan 2 星级: 169 页 托马斯霍布斯Thomas Hobbes政治 - 利维坦Leviathan 3 星级: 170 页 Thomas Hobbes´ Leviathan 星级: 23 页 利维坦 霍布斯 Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes 星级: 712 页 Hobbes Thomas-Leviathan. Part 2 星级: 90 页 Hobbes Thomas-Leviat...
Thomas Hobbes (英语:Thomas Hobbes,1588年4月5日—1679年12月4日),是英国的政治哲学家[1][2],现代自由主义政治哲学体系的奠基者。他也创立了机械唯物主义的完整体系,认为宇宙是所有机械地运动着的广延物体的总和。他提出“自然状态”和国家起源说,认为国家是人们为了遵守“自然法”而订立契约所形成的,是一部...
Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan.A review of the book "Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan," edited by Noel Malcolm is presented.EBSCO_bspEconomist
Leviathan, magnum opus of the early-modern English political philosopher, ethicist, metaphysician, and scientist Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679). First published in 1651, Leviathan; or, The Matter, Form, and Power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiastical and Civil d
Thomas Hobbes Quotes Thomas Hobbes Legacy Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson Are you a student or a teacher? FAQ What is the main philosophy of Thomas Hobbes? The main philosophy of Thomas Hobbes appears in Leviathan. He argued for a social contract that would create absolute sovereignt...
Thomas Hobbes Thomas Hobbes, a prominent philosopher of the 17th century, is best known for his work "Leviathan," in which he explores various aspects of political philosophy, human nature, and the nature of society. Here's an overview of some key elements of Hobbes's theory as presented ...