ThomasHardy(1840-1928)LifeStoryofThomasHardy ThomasHardywasbornandbroughtupinDorset,anagriculturaldistrictinthesouthofEngland,whichhecalledWessexinhisbook.Fatherwasamason.Motherwasahousewife.Attheageof16,HardyapprenticedtoworkandliveasamasoninatownoutsideofDorset.Attheageof22,HardymovedtoLondontobecomean...
Life WritingFeatures Works LiteraryThemeMaincontents11/15/2024 Hardywasbornin1840inHigherBockhamptonIn1862,hewenttoLondonIn1867,hedecidedtodedicatehimselftowritingIn1870,HardymetandfellinlovewithEmmaLavinia,whomhemarriedin1874.In1914,HardymarriedhissecretaryFlorenceEmilyDugda ThomasHardy'sLife Ⅰ11/15/2024 ...
'Life-story' — the word slips so easily from the tongue that it is only by a deliberate act of reflection that we see within it the tension between fact and fiction which is the perennial dilemma for the autobiographer. Willy-nilly he becomes an interpreter, and his 'facts' tend ...
ThomasHardy’sLife HardydiedonJanuaryThomasHardywasbornon11,1928.June2,1840inDorset,England.Throughouthislife,hewouldrememberthishouseandfrequentlyvisitit.Hardyspenthisearlylifeinthechurchchoirwithhisfather.Thomas Hardy SonofavillagebuilderinDorset,southwestofEnglandwhichusedtobeaSaxonkingdomnamesWessex(...
thomashardy托马斯哈代解读.pptx,Thomas HardyMain contents Life Works Literary Theme Writing Features Thomas Hardys Life Ⅰ Hardy was born in 1840 in Higher Bockhampton In 1862, he went to London In 1867,he decided to dedicate himself to writing In 1870, H
A Laodicean: A Story of To-day (1881) Thomas Hardy's works II 12/29/2017 Main Drama The Dynasts《列王》: An Epic-Drama of the War with Napoleon (verse drama) The Dynasts, Part 1 (1904) The Dynasts, Part 2 (1906) ...
ThomasHardy托马斯哈代剖析 3/29/2021 Maincontents LifeWorksLiteraryThemeWritingFeatures 3/29/2021 ⅠThomasHardy'sLife Hardywasbornin1840inHigherBockhamptonIn1862,hewenttoLondonIn1867,hedecidedtodedicatehimselftowritingIn1870,HardymetandfellinlovewithEmmaLavinia,whomhemarriedin1874.In1914,Hardymarriedhis...
1、Thomas hardy(18401928)Great Victorian Novelist & PoetBy 柯晨 金晶 胡亚静 唐思雨LifeHardy is the son of a village builder in Dorset, southwest of England which used to be a Saxon kingdom names Wessex, a name Hardy used proudly in his writing.His parents both paid much attention to his...
Thomas Hardy's the Three Strangers(2014) (Short)-Writer (original story) $200 Trishna(2011) Writer (novel "Tess of the d'Urbervilles") $29K $240K $968K The Return of the Native(2010) Writer (novel) $2K The Claim(2000) Writer (inspired by the novel by: "The Mayor of Casterbridge...
Thomas Hardy and Naturalism 托马斯·哈代与自然主义 Tess of D’Urbervilles德伯家的苔丝 Thomas Hardy 1840-1928 Novelist and poet Born in Dorset, a southern county of England His father, an architect , wanted him to become one , but Hardy was more interested in literature Arthur Schopenhauer (...