Obituary: Edward Thomas Haws (1927–2010)Nick Reilly
MR. THOMAS EDWARD DUNN was born on the 17th of May, 1834, a t Howick, where his father, Mr. Robert Dunn, practised as architect and surveyor to Earl Grey. As a boy he gave evidence of much practical ingenuity, constructing on one occasion fountain a for a miniature flower-garden, ...
Obituary: Professor George Thomas Noszlopy (1932-2011)George Noszlopy was born on 29 November 1932 in Budapest, where his father and grandfather ran a...Morris, EdwardLiverpool University PressThe Sculpture Journal
AN employee of Messrs Brough Ltd (greengrocers) for over 40 years, Mr Thomas Edward Pigg died at his home, 39 The Avenue, Durham, recently, after an illness lasting a year and four months.Born at Catchgate, Annfield Plain, 57 years ago, he was the son of the lae Mr and Mrs J R...
Thomas K. Cureton, Jr. (father of physical fitness in the world) (Obituary)Shea, Edward J
Harford, James
Obituary.] THOMAS EDWARD MILLES MARSH. 329 THOMASEDWARDMILLESMARSH,born at Biddestone, Wilts,onthe3rdApril, 1818, received hisengineeringtraining under the late Mr. G. E. Frere on the construction of the Western division of the Great Weskrn Railway. Subsequentlyhe became Resident Engineer on ...
ENGINEERSOBITUARY. 407 Mr. W. L. Strange, M. Inst. C.E. I n 1910, on the creation of an Irrigation Department for the Union of South Africa, Mr. Hurley became Assistant Director under Mr. F. E. Kanthack, M. Inst. C.E. H e was elected an Associate Member on the 23rd April,...
"EMIBOIS.' 107 and Rogers, as their' Engineer and the: Surveyor of their mineral property, at which time he devoted attention to the manufacture of Iron, upon which he published a Treatise,l which has been rnentioned with eulogium by competent authorities. He was for a short timeSurveyor...
OBITUARY. 445 Papers, including with Mr. de Segundo a Student's Paper on cast-iron beams,l for which he received a Miller Prize. Mr. Robertson elected was a n Associate Member of The Institution on the 3rd December, 1889, and was transferred to the class of Members on the 19th ...