In the last illustration of, Gordon gains two boiler bands, his steam pipes are black and he is missing a window. Thomas tows James back to the yard by coupling up to his cab directly, rather than from the front or waiting to reattach the tender. ...
Series 1 - Thomas and Gordon, Edward and Gordon (not named; does not speak), The Sad Story of Henry (does not speak), Thomas' Train, Thomas and the Trucks, Thomas and the Breakdown Train, James and the Coaches, Troublesome Trucks, James and the Express (cameo), Thomas and the Guard...
Despite this, the passengers' shadows can be seen in some of the windows of the coaches. Aside from the engines' drivers, Burnett Stone is able to drive and operate Lady. This would later happen again in Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go! (But this time, it also has rolling stock ...
Spencer is the Duke and Duchess of Boxford's silver streamlined tender engine from the Mainland and is Gordon's cousin and former arch-rival. During his first visit to Sodor, Spencer took the Duke and Duchess of Boxford on a trip around Sodor. He ignored
The coaches that the engine resembling Toby pulls at the Mainland Junction do not have a brake coach at the back. When Merlin says "I can do something!" the audio is out of sync. In the close-up of Lexi when she explains how they are fully stocked in coal and water, Thomas is not...
Emily ist eine smaragdgrüne Schlepptenderlok, die sowohl eigene Personenwagen zieht als auch die offizielle Rettungslok der Nord-West-Eisenbahn ist. Als Emily nach Sodor kam, zog sie aufgrund eines Missverständnisses Annie und Clarabel, woraufhin sic
Connor is an aquamarine American streamlined tender engine with an Irish accent from the Mainland, who is designed and built for speed. He has his own rake of coaches painted in the same livery as him. Connor is excitable and energetic and like Caitlin,
Duck's siderods are black instead of white. BoCo's roof is partially green, when it should be completely white. Oliver and Stepney's wheels are black, when they should be the same colour as their respective bodies. The Express Coaches have four wheels instead of eight. ...
Thomas catches up with the three of them and angrily berates Ashima for taking "his" coaches, but is shunned by Annie and Clarabel for leaving them at Maron, and he apologises. After Thomas tells Ashima about the idea he had and wishes that he was different, she tells him that he does...
When Caitlin leaves Ulfstead Castle, she has only three coaches, but when she puffs through Henry's tunnel, she has four. During one of the shots at Vicarstown Bridge, when the Fat Controller is telling Caitlin that it is closed, Caitlin's lastcoachhas changed into Connor's brakecoach. ...