Thomas & Friends: Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure (2015) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
1 Do you know Thomas & Friends? It is a British TV show for children.Thomas and his friends find an old pirate ship(海盗船). So they decide to lookfor Sodor's lost treasure(宝藏). Thomas and his friends are little engines(火车头). There are hundreds of engines on Sodor. They are ...
Thomas and his friends find an old pirate(海盗) ship. So they decide to look for Sodor's lost treasure(宝藏). Thomas and his friends are little engines. There are hundreds of engines on Sodor. They are red, green, brown and blue. Every day, they try to be useful engines. Let's ...
It is a British TV show for children. Thomas and his friends find an old pirate(海盗)ship. So they decide to look for Sodor's lost treasure(宝藏).Thomas and his friends are little engines. There are hundreds of engines on Sodor. They are red, green, brown and blue. Every day, they...
Thomas & Friends: Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure 토마스와 친구들: 수수께끼 해적선과 보물찾기 动画 上映/ 60分钟 看过 简介 暂无剧情简介
Buried treasure, a lost ship, and a wily modern-day pirate are the exciting elements of a brand-new Thomas & Friends movie, Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure. This hardcover Big Golden Book with a gold foil spine will thrill...Rev. W. Awdry...
Thomas & Friends: Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure View more photos Movie Info SynopsisThomas races against Sailor John (John Hurt) to find treasure from an old pirate ship. Director David Stoten Screenwriter Andrew Brenner Production Co ...
Sodor's Legend Of The Lost Treasure | Thomas & Friends分享到: 訂閱我們的Youtube頻道,有新片預告即刻知! 火車頭Thomas因為開玩笑,令小火車Gordon發生意外,肥站長將闖禍的Thomas調到索多島另一邊,參加興建新支線; Thomas認識了新來的火車頭Ryan,他們連同迷你小火車Rex、Mike、Berts、鏟斗車Marion一起建造新鐵路...
托马斯和朋友们多多岛之迷失宝藏 预告片-托马斯和朋友们多多岛之迷失宝藏-Thomas & Friends: Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure-Mtime时光网
托马斯和朋友们多多岛之迷失宝藏 中国版预告片-托马斯和朋友们多多岛之迷失宝藏-Thomas & Friends: Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure-Mtime时光网