Even before the Baahubali films took the country by storm, Telugu action dramas got a new lease of life through their Hindi-dubbed versions on YouTube and TV channels. While these star vehicles and ‘mass entertainers’ gained more visibility, the Telugu film industry has also been producing ...
Elliott (Maisy Stella) has just turned eighteen, about to start her freshman year at the University of Toronto. She blows off her family’s surprise party to take mushrooms in the woods with her two best friends, Ro (Kerrice Brooks) and Ruthie (Maddie Ziegler). After initially failing to...
Bad relationships can be glaringly obvious to one’s friends and family. Wong takes the safety nets away, throwing a young gay guy to the wolves.Happy Togetheris a tough watch, but it’s a beautifully honest portrayal of the messiness that often defines queer romance. We’ve had to build...
After school, Stephens moved to Seattle and quietly released a brilliant self-titled solo record—then, aside from the occasional gig with friends Rosie Thomas and Denison Witmer, stopped performing for several years. But she’s come back to the musical fold with her second LP, The Breadwinner...
Even before the Baahubali films took the country by storm, Telugu action dramas got a new lease of life through their Hindi-dubbed versions on YouTube and TV channels. While these star vehicles and ‘mass entertainers’ gained more visibility, the Telugu film industry has also been producing ...