specialist model maker / figurines / models and sets (52 episodes, 1984-1992) David Payne ... special effects supervisor / model engines / model engines and characters by (47 episodes, 1984-1986) Chris Lloyd ... model engineer / workshop crew / lead model maker / model maker (43 epi...
it still looks brand new. I love the additional tracks that come with it and it easily fit with the other sets we have. The covered station was cute and fun as he would drive up and load the little chef. The two toy figurines that come with it bend and have just enough detail to ...
Strawberry Shortcake and her sweet-smelling, dessert-themed friends like Lemon Meringue and Blueberry Muffin were all the rage for little girls in the ’80s. An animated television series, Atari video game, and memorabilia including pajamas and bedding, accompanied the craze of tiny plastic figurin...
Like many kids, my son adores trains, and as a result our loving extended family has dropped the monetary equivalent of a four-year college education on Thomas paraphernalia. I’ve “choo choo’d” with Thomas figurines for so many hours on end that the show’s very British, imperialistic ...
the egg-shaped figurines with an impressive ability to balance, were originally a brightly colored nuclear family: Dad Weeble, Mom Weeble, brother, sister, and baby Weeble, and even a family dog Weeble. Playsets, like the Weeble house, circus, and haunted house followed, expandi...
Types of Work:Ceramic sculpture, decorative vases, functional ware, small animal figurines, weavings, and painting Preferred Kiln Type and Firing:electric kiln, cone 6 -8 Preferred Clay: mainly stoneware Signature/Mark/Chop: Kakinuma Signature. Incised T. Kakinuma ’55. Courtesy of the author. ...