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From 15 to 17 October, customers who are interested in purchasing the Galaxy Watch4 Classic Thom Browne Edition can participate in the registration campaign[1], answer the specified questions on Hong Kong’s Samsung Online Shop, and stand a chance to purchase the watch! Participants selected for...
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Thom Browne 微風專門店的設計延續與 ASA Studioalbanese 建築師 Flavio Albanese 之合作,經典鋁百葉窗裝修背後是一個極簡的世紀中期現代主義(Minimalist Mid-century)風格辦公室,設有成排的日光燈管照明、黑與白色的水磨石地板,與淺灰色 Bardiglio 大理石牆面,將 Thom Browne 搶眼的識別風格灌注其中。
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Feast your eyes on the latest Galaxy Z Fold5 Thom Browne Edition, seamlessly mixing iconic fashion with cutting edge tech innovation.
瑭姆步朗 不需要融资 100-499人 服装/纺织 微信扫码分享 职位描述 英语 销售数据运营 奢侈品 零售运营 货品调/转/拨 【ABOUT US】 Thom Browne, Inc is a highly coveted luxury fashionbrand based in NYC. Founded in 2003, the brand represents individuality within uniformity; questioning traditional propor...