The development, use, and waste generated by demand for both resources drive global change. Managing them in tandem offers potential for global-change adaptation but presents institutional challenges. This paper advances understanding of the water-energy nexus by demonstrating how these resources are ...
春天很好,我只是又想您了 我现在过的还可以,也找到了可以托付终身的爱人了,您也不用再牵挂着我了,只是您没能亲眼见证,前几天回家去看您了,您这个小老头也太小气了吧,已经很久没有来我梦里看我了😭,家里您不用担心一切都好,奶奶身体也挺好的,唯独对您很思念。#爷爷想你了 春天很好,我只是又想您了 我现...
来自 EconPapers 喜欢 0 阅读量: 39 作者: W. D. Ray 摘要: 28. Elementary Applications of Probability Theory. By H. C. Tuckwell. ISBN 0412 304902. Chapman and Hall, London, 1988. 226 pp. £10.95. DOI: 10.2307/2982947 年份: 1989 ...