The LM Guide is our flagship product, the world's first practical application of rolling linear motion parts. It achieves higher precision, higher rigidity, reduced labor, higher speed, and longer service life of machines.
THK LM Guide Rails和Block销售简介说明书
THK develops and manufactures mechanical components including the Linear Motion system, LM Guides, Ball Splines, Ball Screws, and electric actuators for our clients throughout the world. Also, we develop, manufacture, and distribute various mechatronics
The THK Technical Support Site offers helpful information to customers, including an optimal product selection tool; CAD data for the LM Guide, ball screws, and ball splines; service life calculations; and product information. (A free account is required
价格:1.00元 最小采购量:1 主营产品:日本THK直线导轨-THK滑块 供应商:浙江恩诚传动机械有限公司 所在地:中国 联系人:温会敏 联系电话 点此询价 QQ咨询 买家还在看 汕尾椭圆链条环形导轨循环线供应商 定制生产 丝杆传动伺服电缸CVS60 德国力士乐滚珠导轨R160720431 ... ...
全钢球微型导轨-RSR_Miniature LM Guide 全钢球可分离型径向导轨-GSR_Separate Type (GSR) 全钢球可分离型滚动导轨-HR型_Separate Type (HR) 直线运动导轨配件_Linear Motion Guide Accessories 二维一体式LM滚动导轨SCR 机床行业用LM滚动导轨-SVS/SVR 有限行程LM滚动导轨-EPF型 全钢球机床行业专用型-NR...
High Quality Brand bearings with Best Price.Certified Supplier.Simple Order Process,100% Quality Warranty and Global Supply!On Sale!
ISO称之为“Recirculating linear ball bearing”,JIS称之为“滚珠循环直线轴承”,日本机床工业会称之为“直线导轨”。THK株式会社将其称为LM滚动导轨(Linear Motion Guide)。其他亦有诸如直线运动球导轨等多个名称,有时也被称为直线轴承,意思是用于直线运动的轴承,这个名称是相对于用于旋转运动的轴承而言的。